
Student Sponsorship

Teacher Sponsorship

School Supplies Sponsorship

Our Sponsorship Programs

Student Sponsorship

We have a number of AIDS orphans and vulnerable children within Nissi College School catchment areas as a result of the war in the region that lasted for over 20years from 1986 to 2007 when people started returning to their homes in different communities. These children are particularly vulnerable to chronic poverty which limits their chances of going to school, accessing health care and they are marginalized. Teachers are not motivated to teach due to lack of necessary teaching materials coupled with low/delayed salary payment which is not enough to sustain their families. They have very many problems but are expected to perform, can you imagine a hungry teacher teach a student, what do you expect, negative results only.

As a child sponsor we will send you regular updates on your student and medical reports where relevant. Your sponsored child will tell you how your sponsorship directly helps them and their family. We ask for a minimum of 2-years sponsorship which will give the child/student some security.




This covers tuition fee for a needy/orphan Student/child's Education for one full year – this would be a $50 monthly donation for at least 2years.


This sponsors a student to Study at Advance Level Education for one full year – this would be a $55 monthly donation for at least 2years.


This supports a poor female student to stay in school for one full year – this would be a $60 monthly donation for at least 2years.

Teacher Sponsorship

Students cannot receive quality instruction without well trained and motivated teachers. At Nissi College School, we have a team of able teachers who support the students who come to learn from the school every day.

You can help children in Uganda gain affordable quality education by sponsoring a teacher at Nissi College School – helping to fund the teachers’ salary but also with the potential to support their development through mentoring and training. If you, or your networks have specific skills that can be of benefit to the teachers we will then work to set up a mentoring link with opportunities to visit Nissi College School (Uganda) each year.

A yearly salary for a teacher in Uganda is around $2,000 USD. You can sponsor a teacher by making a monthly or yearly contribution to the Teacher sponsorship fund, or perhaps you can bring your company or group together to jointly sponsor a teacher or group of teachers’ salaries each year.

Sponsor Benefits:  As a sponsor we will send you

A profile of a teacher and their background

Termly letters saying what is going on in their lives and at school

Updates on Nissi College School activities and Solace of Hope’s other work

The teacher will tell you in their own word how the Teacher sponsorship fund is helping them, their family and their community. You will also have the opportunity to meet with the teacher on Solace of Hope - Nissi College School visits each year.




This covers the one monthly salary for a teacher.


This covers the salary payment of a teacher for one term (4 months).


This covers the salary payment of a teacher for one full year.

School Supplies Sponsorship

School Supplies Sponsorships are designed to help students start school, stay in school, and succeed in school… promoting excellence in education as we live our motto “Ever to Excel”.

Why are School Supplies Sponsorships important?

Ugandans strive to send their children to school, even under very difficult conditions. However, there are a number of barriers that make receiving an education difficult, particularly for those living in war ravaged recovery rural communities of Northern Uganda. Families need children at home to work, or cannot afford to pay for uniforms and basic school supplies that are requirements, even at government-subsidized schools.

Join our School Supplies Sponsorship program - $30 a month supports one student with the following:



Computer Skills

$4,800 Covers purchase of 12 computers to give computer skills for an underprivileged students for one full year – this would be a $400 monthly donation for at least 1year

Library Text Books

Purchase text books to improve reading culture and knowledge for an underprivileged students – this would be a $30 monthly donation for at least 1year

Laboratory Equipment

Purchase equipment to improve science education for an underprivileged students for one full year – this would be a $200 monthly donation for at least 1year

School Clinic - Sick Bay

$1,020 Covers purchase of medical supplies like testing kits, drugs, laboratory equipment for one full year – this would be a $85 monthly donation for at least 1year

School Basic Needs

$660 Equips the school with basic needs like tables, chairs, white & black boards to improve the quality of education for one full year – this would be a $55 monthly donation for at least 1year

We are truly indebted to all our sponsors for without them, our work will stop. Be The Change, make a difference and inspire change by becoming a Sponsor. Fill in the form below and we will contact you.

Click to Fill the Sponsorship Form
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Payment Method

All sponsorship and donations to Nissi College School can be made through Bank Wire Transfer to the charity account below; Solace of Hope Funds Wiring Information

We continue to work towards our goal of giving access to more children and improving the quality of education for children at Nissi College School, if you would like to help us achieve this by contributing towards the Student, School Supplies and Teacher sponsorship fund then please contact for more information.

Payment Method Information

Wiring Transfer Location
Solace of Hope is a registered non-profit, community-based organization Registration No: 80020000552410, dedicated to working with the children, mothers and their families to overcome illiteracy, poverty, and poor health care in the community.

Beneficiary Account Name: Solace of Hope Limited

Beneficiary Account Number:
Address of the Account Holder: Street: Plot 45, Republic Street
City: Mbale
Country: Uganda
Beneficiary Bank Name: Equity Bank Uganda Limited
Swift Code: EQBLUGKA
Address of the Beneficiary Bank (City and Country):
City: Kampala
Country: Uganda
Intermediary Bank Details
Intermediary Bank Name: Citi Bank New York
Swift Number: CITIUS33
Account Number: 36925881
City: New York
State: U.S